IMDS-a2 Training

Under Search Training you can register for our IMDS-a2 trainings.

IMDS-a2 User Manual

In the IMDS-a2 User Manual, you can find a detailed description how to use and work with the IMDS-a2. Additionally the User Manual describes the necessary steps to install the IMDS-a2 on your PC.

CSV Specification and Example

It is possible to import a CSV structure into the IMDS-a2 to simplify the reuse of data in your in-house system. The following files contain a description of the CSV format and an example to test the import functionality of the IMDS-a2. It contains a material datasheet (MDS) in a tree representation, including two references to published datasheets in IMDS. It can be viewed/modified by e.g. Microsoft Excel, StarOffice or


Release Notes

Find Release changes of IMDS-a2 in following entries:



IMDS-a2 Questions

IMDS-a2 Questions?

Please have a look into the IMDS-a2 user manual first.

If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us: