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Background information

Major objectives of automotive product development include continuous improvements in quality, safety, and the reduction of environmental impact throughout vehicle life cycle. As much as possible, these objectives should be achieved in an efficient, cost effective way to optimize consumer value. A large number of construction, operational and processing materials are used in the automotive manufacturing chain, and their selection and proper use can have significant impact on these objectives.

To meet these objectives, an ongoing dialogue and information flow within the global automotive supply chain, including automotive original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), tier suppliers and material suppliers has been established, called the Global Automotive Stakeholder Group (GASG). Early information and dialogue up and down the supply chain will help facilitate compliance with current and future regulations, as well as take into account customer requirements to ensure sustainable products. Optimized handling of relevant information flow can help OEMs meet existing and projected reporting requirements in a consistent, understandable and efficient way. The product of the GASG dialogue is the Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL).
The GADSL covers declaration of certain information about substances (regulated, projected to be regulated, or for - by consensus within GASG SC - it is scientifically demonstrated that their presence may create a significant risk to human health and/or to the environment) relevant to parts and materials supplied by the supply chain to OEMs. The information is applicable to the use of these parts or materials in the production of a vehicle up to its usage and relevant to the vehicle's re-use or waste disposal.
This approach is a voluntary industry initiative designed to ensure integrated, responsible and sustainable product development by OEMs and their supply chain. Its purpose is to minimize individual requirements and ensure cost-effective management.



The GADSL was introduced on April 29, 2005. For those users that are experienced in IMDS you may recognize that the intermediate list ILRS was implemented in IMDS during 2004 and was then replaced by the GADSL. The purpose of such a general list is to combine all different OEM requirements regarding reportable substances into one list. With the support of the suppliers and the chemical industry, the GADSL could be released.

GADSL is independent from IMDS and has been incorporated into OEM standards since 2005. As a user of IMDS, this means that GADSL is the only list that has to be checked regarding reportable substances (exception: company-specific lists like Renault BGO). All IMDS recommendations reflect the efforts to use one general substance list: the GADSL.

If you have any questions about GADSL or want to view the GADSL documents then please visit www.gadsl.org for more information.


Meaning of Classifications:

"D" - Substance must be reported if the threshold limits are exceeded, however the substance is not prohibited to be used in automotive parts.
"D/P" - Prohibited in some applications and declarable in all other cases. Please review the GADSL documents for more information.
"P" - Prohibited in all applications

Important: The "threshold" values given in the GADSL list are reporting thresholds and are not related to permissable amounts of declarable materials in a product.

Important: GADSL does not supersede contractual agreements between a supplier and an OEM.



Former VDA List of Declarable Substances

VDA 232-101

With its August 2005 version of the VDA 232-101 the former separate VDA list was officially replaced by the globally used GADSL (www.gadsl.org)