Version 12.2 (11/18/2020)
IMDS Release 12.2 Enhancements
With the rollout of the updated IMDS-a2 Version 12.2 on 18th November 2020, the following IMDS enhancements are implemented in the IMDS-a2 Analysis & Repoting Module:
Substance report
A new Substance report is available to export the analysis results.
This report is available for Substance-based reports, e.g. for a certain Substance Group or Substance List and may be flexibly used for SCIP, Conflict Mineral or other reporting.
New selection "Type of MDS"
A new section is added in the "MDS Selection" area with a new "Type of MDS"
search attribute. It allows to separately search for MDS / Modules, Components, Semi-components, Materials or within the Outbox.
With the first rollout of IMDS-a2 Version 12.2 on 17th June 2020, the following IMDS enhancements are implemented in IMDS-a2:
Default Contact person
Company Administrators have the option to define one of the contact persons of their company as being the “default contact”. This contact person’s data will be shown in the supplier data and the PDF report in case the contact person originally assigned to the MDS is no longer active. There can only be a single default contact person per company. Once a contact has become a default contact, this flag cannot be revoked from them anymore. Instead another active contact has to defined as the new default contact. Similarly, in order to deactivate a default contact, another contact person has to be defined as the new default contact first.
No default selection for application codes
There will be no default selection for application codes anymore. All application codes have to be actively selected to avoid an Error in the MDS check.
Warning for all Preliminary MDSs
A Warning will be shown in the check for all references to preliminary MDSs inside a final MDS tree (on any level). It will still not be allowed to reference preliminary MDSs inside newly created final MDSs. The existing check showing an error message in this case will still be in effect.
For detailed information please read the latest IMDS Release Notes about Changes Release 12.2 or the IMDS-a2 User Manual.
IMDS-a2 Questions?
Please have a look into the IMDS-a2 user manual first.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us: