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OEM specific information

OEM specific information

Some of the OEMs have chosen to post supplier information on the IMDS site. This section includes the latest available information that we have. Individual OEMs may have mailed more recent information to their suppliers.


OEM Specific Information

Asset Publisher

Next.e.GO Mobile



Is there any additional information concerning Next.e.GO Mobile?

If a company delivers to Next.e.GO Mobile some additional checks are carried out for this recipient.

When submitting MDSs to Next.e.GO Mobile 

  1. the part numbers are checked for a certain format. If Next.e.GO Mobile is selected as a recipient, one can see by the Question Mark Button how to enter Part Number for Next.e.GO Mobile.
    The Part Number must match one of the following patterns:
    Character "C" or "E" followed by 11 numerical digits, e. g. "C12345678901"
    Character "E" followed by 11 numerical digits followed by character "A" or "B" followed by 3 numerical digits, e. g. "E12345678901A123" or "E12345678901B123"
  2. a warning message will occur in case the Measured Weight and Calculated Weight of the top node are identical.
  3. the check routine will issue an Error instead of a Warning in case of a Recommendation 001 Rule 3.2.2.B violation. (See also chapter 3.3.16 Check Procedure at page 83)
  4. an error message will occur in case the Drawing Date does not match the "dd.mm.yyyy" pattern
  5. an error message will occur in case the Drawing Change Level does not consist of a single capital letter.
  6. an error message will occur in case the Part Name does not match the following pattern (based on the Part Number):

If the Part Number starts with an “E”, the Part Name can only be composed of:
- Capital letters
- Numbers
- Underscore

If the Part Number starts with a “C” there are no rules on the Part Name.