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ACEA Regulatory List

ACEA Regulatory List


There are several substance groups that are regulated by definition, where no comprehensive list of CAS numbers are provided by regulators (e.g. PFOA, Nonylphenol Ethoxylates).

To help the supply chain understand which substances are impacted and to support our IMDS reporting tool and processes, ACEA has produced the ACEA Regulatory List.

How does this list differ from GADSL?

The ACEA Regulatory List also includes substances that are not listed on GADSL, as ACEA does not have information that these substances are present in automotive materials and therefore, they do not meet the GADSL criteria for listing.

If you produce materials that do contain substance that are listed in the ACEA Regulatory List, but are not listed in GADSL, they must be reported (if the substance is not present in the IMDS Basic Substance List, the substance can be added using the Basic Substance Request form from the Functions menu in your IMDS account).

The ACEA Regulatory list is owned and as well maintained by ACEA.
Updates of the list under the following weblink will be done regularly based on changes.

ACEA Regulatory list (October 2024)

Using this list shall not release companies from their own responsibility towards their legal obligations, which is also re-iterated in the last paragraph of the disclaimer inside the ACEA Regulatory List.
