VERSION 12.0 (05/09/2019)
IMDS Release 12.0 Enhancements:
IMDS Regulation Wizard
Intelligent Substance-Material Management for BPR - Biocide Flagging - Incorporate extra checks when adding substances to Material MDSs. To ensure that a substance is used in a material class that is eligible for BPR flagging, an internal processing matrix is added which maps Material classifications to Product Types and respective biocide updates, which can only be requested and/or provided as specified in the matrix. Product Types available to select from are only those valid for the current material classification.
Search Panel Improvements
- Adding option to find MDSs where all Regulatory Information is up to date or where at least one entry needs attention
- When searching for BPR information using multiple product types, it is possible now to specify whether all of the selected PTs should be used for the same regulatory information, of if it is enough for one of them to be included for a MDS to be found
- Added option to specify multiple substances as search criteria for REACH Materials and BPR
- Automatically switching "Ownership" criteria from "own" to "supplied" when searching for accepted MDSs
More Precise Text Labels
- Material level: Replace “EEA produced/imported” and “EEA produced” with “EEA produced”
- Semi-/Component level: Replace “Produced in EEA or imported into EEA?” with “Produced in / imported into EEA?” and add question mark icon. The tooltip will be updated to: “This question is about whether a product is eligible for REACH or not. Only if a product is produced in the EEA or imported into the EEA, the answer should be ‘Yes’ “.
Regulatory Information (RI) Details & Results
- Add Part Number column
- Add “Product Type” filter
- Add new download report option for "Combined Download" for REACH Semi-/Components containing REACH regulatory information for the Semi-/Component, the referenced Material and all included REACH substances.
New MDS version containing no Regulatory Substances
MDSs no longer containing regulatory-relevant substances are ineligible. The Regulation Wizard will auto-release "clean" regulatory information for latest MDS versions that do not contain regulatory-relevant substances. For existing MDSs that no longer contain such substances, a "clean" regulatory information version can be released manually. The release of the clean version resolves all open requests for updates and will also mark the regulatory information as "RI complete".
Spare Parts and related Application Code check changes
(Semi-)Component MDSs can be declared as “Legacy Spare Part” in the recipient-specific screen. Declaring the MDS as a legacy spare part for all recipients will prevent the "Invalid Application Code" Warning from being shown when sending or proposing the MDS.
Enhance Warnings Inbox Checks
Rules from IMDS Recommendation 001:
Rule / Guideline | Description |
Rule 3.2.2.A |
A new customer part number requires a new MDS (new IMDS ID) unless you are informed otherwise by your customer. |
Rule 3.2.2.B |
The same customer part number with updated content requires a new MDS version (same IMDS ID, higher version number). |
The Rule 3.2.2.A check will now compare the combination of part number and supplier code used in the sent/proposed MDS only with the combination used in the version of the MDS that has most recently been accepted by the respective customer.
The Rule 3.2.2.A check violation result will be displayed for the sender and the recipient.
Remove German Material Names
The support for entering material name, trade name and remarks in German is removed. Henceforth, all data entry must exclusively use English. MDSs already released will keep their German entries. These German entries can still be seen and searched for in the system, although the fields shown by default will be the English ones.
Update Recyclates
The default is removed for the existing question “Does the material contain recyclate?”.
You can select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ from the list. If you select ‘Yes’, the box changes and is editable. Leaving the question unanswered will cause an error for Materials of classification 5.x weighing more than 5g that are referenced in Components.
Entering a range of more than 20% (e.g. 10% - 40%) for either post-industrial or post-consumer recyclate will result in an error during the check.
IMDS-a2 Specific Enhancements
In addition to the IMDS Release 12.0 enhancements, the following changes have been implemented in IMDS-a2:
Handling of multiple Part Item No. while creating Conflict Mineral Declaration (CMD) Requests
Multiple selections of MDSs are available in the result of the Where-Used Analysis for MDSs containing Conflict Minerals.
By clicking on the "Create Conflict Mineral Declaration Request" button, Part/Item/Mat. Numbers of all selected MDSs would be applied in the created CMD Request.
If selected MDSs come from different suppliers, then Part/Item/Mat. Number(s) of all those MDSs coming from the supplier specified by the first selection will be applied. In that case an additional dialog will be also displayed to inform the user.
CMD Request enhancement to support Multiple Supplier Codes
In the CMD Request screen the user can now enter multiple Supplier Codes instead of only one by using the new Add button or the popup menu. Existing entries can be removed using the Remove button or the menu.
IMDS-a2 Questions?
Please have a look into the IMDS-a2 user manual first.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us: