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REACH is the European Regulation dealing with Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and restriction of certain Chemicals used in products. The REACH directive's primary focus is on substances with potential impact to human health and/or the environment. These substances are commonly known as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

In order to fulfill the legal requirements for the automotive industry, you need to know what is in your product. One major source of information is the IMDS. Based on the numerous requests we have received for a report on the data that is associated with a company in IMDS, we have created the REACH Reports Service. This service presents, in one downloadable report, a complete overview of material data received from your suppliers or created by your company in IMDS including accumulated weight information on components and all materials and substances. The report also presents additional information to the substances which allows for easy analysis for REACH-SVHCs or substances that are on the GADSL (Global Automotive Declarable Substance List).

Support of REACH O5A (Once an article - always an article)

Based on the decision of the European Court of Justice the IMDS-a2 implemented an additional view on the REACH data based on the O5A perspective showing weight information for the lowest article in the bill of material.

This O5A view is available in addition to the existing calculation based on the top component.

A sample of the data that is contained in the report can be found in the following files:


Depending on your needs, we can provide this report in different file formats such as XML (Extensible Markup Language), CSV (Comma Separated Values) or Microsoft Excel (xls and xlsx format). You can then process these reports with standard software to fulfill your needs for REACH compliance reporting as well as other legal obligations (for example: RRR, 'Canadian Challenge'). We can also provide this report multiple times throughout the year (for example quarterly, monthly).

Depending on the structure and amount of data in IMDS company, you may want to consider the IMDS-a2 combined with the REACH Module. This IMDS advanced solution allows you to get the REACH report on demand as well as providing many other useful functions (material data sheet examination, automatic incoming material data sheet processing, dashboard etc.).

Are you interested? Please contact DXC's IMDS Advanced Solutions for more information and pricing for your company which is based on the amount and structure of data in your IMDS company. The valid Terms and Conditions for this service may be downloaded below.


IMDS REACH Report Questions

REACH Report Questions?

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