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OEM specific information

OEM specific information

Some of the OEMs have chosen to post supplier information on the IMDS site. This section includes the latest available information that we have. Individual OEMs may have mailed more recent information to their suppliers.


OEM Specific Information

Asset Publisher

Volvo Car Corporation



Dear Supplier of Volvo Cars,

We would like to inform you that we are introducing new review rules for IMDS datasheets. Those are about submitting recycled content information for certain material categories.

Currently, no check is made whether the recyclate questions are answered or not when reviewing a datasheet. Effective from 1st of September 2022, you must answer the recyclate questions with ‘yes’ or ‘no’ for all materials weighing more than 5g. The rules are applicable for materials under the material categories 1.x, 2.x, 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 7.1, and 7.2. If answering ‘yes’, values must be entered into the ‘% of recycled content’ fields. If answering with a range, that range may not exceed 20%.

This change in the review rules will be effective from the 1st of September 2022. This means that after this date, datasheets sent to Volvo Cars that do not comply to the new review rules will be rejected.

If you have questions about the review process, please contact in the IMDS info mailbox (imdsinfo@volvocars.com).

Best Regards,
IMDS team at Volvo Cars



Dear Supplier,

As a supplier to Volvo Cars, we would like to inform you that we are making a supplier code change in the process regarding reporting IMDS to Volvo Cars.

Currently when sending in an IMDS sheet to Volvo Cars, you are first asked to enter the parent code for your company. You then have the option to also enter the site code (the manufacturing site). If you did not enter the site code, the datasheet would be valid for all your manufacturing sites.

This will be changed as of 3rd of May 2018. After the change, you will be required to only enter the site code into the supplier code entry field. If a datasheet is valid for several of your manufacturing sites, you will need to send an individual copy of the datasheet to Volvo Cars for each manufacturing site.

If you have questions about your site code, please contact your responsible purchaser at Volvo Cars.

Best Regards,

IMDS team at Volvo Cars