Version 13.0 (05/19/2021)
IMDS Release 13.0 Enhancements
With the rollout of the updated IMDS-a2 Version 13.0 on 19th May 2021, the following IMDS enhancements are implemented:
IMDS Release 13.0 Compliance with the IMDS Web application
Multiple Supply Parts
Recyclate handling for Plastic materials
Lower threshold for application code
Where Used Analysis Thresholds
Improve Searching for Recycled Materials
No MDS without Contact
PPB – Increases Precision for weight and percent
SCIP compliance (attributes)
SCIP Submission subsystem
Single SCIP Submission
Analysis & Reporting Module
A&R Substance Report
Enhancement of A&R search capabilities for MDS/Module, Component, Semicomponent, Material, Outbox search
IMDS-a2 SCIP Bulk submission
The new bulk SCIP interface of the IMDS-a2 allows you to submit multiple MDSs at once to SCIP (in fact an unlimited number of MDSs). This bulk SCIP interface is part of the IMDS-a2 basic license and can be used in combination with the Where-Used Analysis, Component search, MDS/Module search and the Outbox search.
Furthermore, it perfectly harmonizes with the Analysis & Reporting add-on module of the IMDS-a2 that allows a more convenient identification of MDSs relevant for SCIP submission.
For detailed information please read the latest IMDS Release Notes about Changes Release 13.0 or the IMDS-a2 User Manual.