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MaCS Center Column

MaCS - Material Collector System
image38483 MaCS has been designed to optimize how you manage materials and information from in-house IT-system.

MaCS allows to combine the information in Material Data Sheets from IMDS with the Bill of Materials (BOMs) information from your in-house IT-system.
MaCS in a nutshell

Key Benefits of MaCS
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Streamlined Regulatory Compliance Sustainability-Driven BOM Rework Fast and Comprehensive Reporting for Enhanced Sustainability 
  • Easily generate comprehensive reports, analyses, such as the 3R ISO Analysis for product end-of-life, and SCiP dossiers.
  • Stay ahead of fast-changing regulations across different regions.
Rework BOMs to meet sustainability KPIs and convert them into new MDS to be uploaded to IMDS. Extensive reporting capabilities, enabling in-depth analysis of MDSs and BOMs across multiple levels – components, materials and substances - with precise tracking of substance thresholds and classifications, such as REACH, GADSL, and Article 33.
  • M
    Material Data Sheet Ingestion
    Flexibility and accuracy in managing material data
    sheets (MDS) at all levels, with unparalleled flexibility
    and precision, empowering fast, reliable compliance,
    insightful reporting an comprehensive 3R analysis
  • A
    Accelerated Seamless Implementation
    The solution can be delivered both
    in SaaS and on-premises, and deployed
    within less than one month
  • C
    Compliance analysis and report
    Automated materials compliance checks against
    all the ESG regulations, saving time, reducing
    complexity and boosting accuracy
  • S
    Multiple versions of the same BOM (bill of
    materials) can be compared to identify the
    most appropriate one that satisfies the desired
    sustainability goals (3R, PCF, REACH, ROHS, ...)
Layer18483 The Circular Economy Opportunity
Adopting circular economy principles is not just about compliance; it's about staying competitive. The circular economy aims to decouple economic growth from the consumption of natural resources, fostering sustainability and profitability.
puzzlesvgrepocom18483 MaCS Implementation Model
analysischartgraphsvgrepocom28483 3R / 4R Analysis Reduce, reuse, recycle and recover
IsolationMode8483 image8483
Use case According to the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive (ELV) every OEM in the automotive industry needs to calculate the “Index of Recyclability” and “Index of Recoverability”, the “Total Product Weight for ISO Classes” and to create the ISO document. image88483 Objective MaCS streamlines the entire recyclability process by enabling users to maximize recyclability and recoverability indices through step-by-step management of 3R phases. The platform performs precise calculations, guiding users to identify recyclable components efficiently. At the end of the process, MaCS facilitates the generation of the ISO documents, according to the standard requirements.
