
VERSION 4.0P (06/21/2006)

VERSION 4.0P (06/21/2006)

Create, send, receive and work on MDS Requests

Material Search Eliminate Double Entries
Double search results (due to multilingual names) are eliminated

Pulldown Menu for Elastomers
Improved guidance for creating elastomers

Internal Material Number and Standard Material Number
New Standard Material Number for certain materials

Recyclate for other Classifications (metals)
Recyclate information now necessary for material classifications 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5

A new standard identification code for companies

Extend Formal Checks
Extended formal checks for MDS

Accepted MDS may not be cancelled
Once an MDS is accepted, it may not be cancelled by the sender anymore

Polymeric PartsMarking changed
New rules for documenting polymeric parts

Windows Manager
Improved overview and handling of open a2 windows

IMDS-a2 Questions

IMDS-a2 Questions?

Please have a look into the IMDS-a2 user manual first.

If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us: