Tutorials on IMDS Functions
Create and upload SCIP-Dossiers in IMDS (youtube.com, German with English subtitles)
IMDS Release 14.3 (2023)
MDS Copy: Dialog to update referenced versions
New search types in Tree Search
Flame Retardants & Plasticizers in Polymer Wizard
Bio-based content for Classification 7.1
Additional fields in MDS Report
Top-level supplier and MDS in check result
Only check entered ranges of mechanical recyclate
IMDS Release 14.0 (2023)
SC90 for filled/unfilled thermoplastics
Revealing confidential declarable substances
Chemical recycling and bio-based materials
IMDS Release 13.1 (2022)
Classification 9 in SCIP (4.5 min)
Easier editing of norms and applications (2 min)
Multiple S2S Keys per Org.-Unit (4.5 min)
SCIP data in CMDS search results (2 min)
Visibility of Recyclate range warning (2 min)
请阅读,在IMDS发布的9.0 中有什么改变。来看看新功能如何工作,请观看我们的录像:

Overview of IMDS Functions
Familiarize with the basic information on what has changed with the new Release 8.0 in comparison to the functions in IMDS Release 7.2 basic (pdf file).
Video Tutorials on IMDS Functions
To see how the IMDS Release 8.0 works, please look at our video tutorials on the following functions:
IMDS Release 8.0 Introduction - Homepage and Login
IMDS Release 8.0 Introduction - Landing Page and Search Criteria
IMDS Release 8.0 Introduction - Search Results
IMDS Release 8.0 Introduction - Details
IMDS Release 8.0 Introduction - Accept and Reject
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