Enhancements with IMDS Release 13.0 (19-May-2021)
The enhancements with this Release are:
- Adding new required attributes and interface to transfer MDSs one by one to SCIP
- Increased precision for portions
- Support for multi-sourcing
- Consideration of the lower threshold for available selection of Application Codes
- Threshold parameter for every Where-Used Analysis related to substances
- Where-Used Analysis for MDSs with recyclate information
- Change recyclate handling for polymer materials
- Re-establishment of certain default application codes
- Deactivation of Recommendation IMDS019 Semi-component MDS
- Deactivation of Material Classifications 8.x
- Deactivation of other Material Classifications
- Changes in IMDs SC 90 checks
- Other IMDS-AI-relevant changes
Detailed information on these enhancements is available in the Release Notes IMDS Release 13.0.