With Release 3.0, IMDS Advanced Interface users had the option of offloading the MDSs in their incoming list to an inhouse system; so some of the checks could be automated. Companies who select this option also have the option of setting the company up for changing the status of incoming datasheets via XML code.
When an MDS has the status "prec", the recipient company has chosen this option and the status will remain "prec" until the recipient company changes it to "acpt" or "recd" via XML code. The users in the receiving company cannot change the status in the IMDS browser.
The sending company cannot delete the MDS or delete the recipient company off the MDS while it is in this status.
거래 공급업체가 등록되었는지 아닌지 확인할 수 있는 방법이
Depending on your user profile, there are different options available to search on your supplier contacts.
All user profiles:
From any Search screen with a Company Search option (supplier or customer)
Click on the + to open the company search screen
Suggest clicking on the Org-Unit radial button as some companies use these
Enter * and part of the company name in the Org.-Unit field
Click on Search
Company contact names can be seen by using the View after selecting a company.
Company Administrator profile:
From the Administration menu, select Trust User
Enter * and part of the company name in the name or Org.-Unit field or * and the e-mail domain in the e-mail address field
Click on Search
The details of a user can be seen by selecting the user and View
고객이 거부사유 입력시 연락처를 남길 수 있습니다. 그렇지만 이것은 옵션 사항이지 의무 사항은 아닙니다. 귀하의 MDS를 거부한 사람에게 어떻게 연락할 수 있는지 궁금하다면:
송신내역 일람에서 거부된 MDS를 검색하신 후 선택하십시오.
밑줄쳐진 recd를 클릭하십시오.
MDS에 대한 모든 정보와 누가 그 MDS를 거부했는지 확인하실 수 있습니다.- 주의하실 것은, 사용자 정보의 연락처가 정확할 수도 있지만 그렇지 않을 수도 있다는 것입니다.
왜 고객과 나는 각기 상이한 부품번호 또는 그 밖의 상세내용을 보게
되는 것일까요?
IMDS has been set up so that a supplier can propose the same MDS to many different customers without the supplier having to make copies and yet each customer will receive their specific purchase part information.
How this works is that in the customer's view, IMDS places the Part number and Description from the Recipient page onto the Ingredients page. In version .01, when you add the recipient, the information from the Ingredients page is copied to the Recipient information. However, when you modify the original version or copy/new version, the information on the recipient page is not updated.
How you should correct a rejected MDS when the MDS was rejected for either a part number or description issue:
Modify the rejected MDS.
Go to the Recipient Data screen, highlight the recipient that rejected, modify.
Add whatever text is necessary to the Description field (it will take up to 250 characters but do not use line feeds or carriage returns).
Hit Change, the status on highlighted line will be _modify.
Hit Save.
Either send or propose as originally.
If your customer has not accepted the MDS, ask them to reject.
If your customer has already accepted, you will have to make a copy/new version and go to the recipient screen and make the changes. No changes can be made to an accepted MDS.