
VERSION 2.1P-P020 (12/07/2004)

VERSION 2.1P-P020 (12/07/2004)

Forwarding an MDS

  • forward a MDS that has been received and accepted previously. 
  • Compared to the normal MDS copy process forwarding allows to keep the complete and original MDS information. 


  • "copy as new version" und "copy as new MDS" (on server's side).
  • The current MDS will be cloned in the IMDS database. Changes in a2 are not regarded. 
  • Copy allows more errors than "Save as ..." for copying incomplete MDSs.

CVS Import

  • Chapter 3 und 4 data are imported.

Chapter 4 Enhancements

  • Chapter 4 Enhancements for DC, Ford, Opel, Toyota can be entered.

MDS Tree

  • "Expand tree nodes" und "Collapse tree nodes" functionality.
  • Tree search functionality.

Material Classification for Creating a Material MDS

  • When creating a material MDS the user must select a material classification before getting to the MDS detail screen.
  • If the classifications selected were "Filled" or "Unfilled Thermoplastics" the user is guided for additional selections according to ISO 1043 in order to fill properly the MDS entry field "Symbol". In this context the main classification "5.1 Thermoplastics" cannot be selected anymore, instead the user must decide between the sub-classifications "Filled" or "Unfilled" Thermoplastic.

Confidential Substances

  • Substances where declaration is required according to ILRS list cannot be marked as confidential.

IMDS-a2 Questions

IMDS-a2 Questions?

Please have a look into the IMDS-a2 user manual first.

If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us: