
Version 10.0aP (11/19/2015)

VERSION 10.10 (11/19/2015)

IMDS Release 10.0 Enhancements:

Check Procedure-related Enhancements and Changes

Standardized maximum deviation based on component weight and eliminate tolerance entry

New Material Checks for Classifications 5.x and 6.x

Published Material MDS Quality – MMDS Creation Checks

Polymeric Parts Marking Check

Self-Certification for MDS Publishers

With IMDS Release 10.0, a formal self-certification may “publish” process and qualification will be introduced. To obtain the “publish” qualification, users must confirm that they have read, understand and will follow the IMDS recommendations. This will be controlled and confirmed annually by IMDS Company Administrators. The MDS may only be published if the user is self-certified and confirmed by one of their IMDS Company Administrators.

Explanatory Text in the „Remark“ Section of MMDS

To prevent users from sending confidential information through the supply chain, to the entry field “Remark” an explanatory text will be added to indicate that it remains visible.

Development Sample Report – Wording Change

With IMDS Release 10.0, the wording will change from “Development Sample Report” to “Preliminary MDS.” Warning text next to the check box will be introduced to explain: “If you tick the box, this MDS will be a preliminary version. You will need to send a final version later.”

Marking “REACH SVHC” as “On Candidate List”

When the abbreviation REACH SVHC is displayed anywhere on the screen, a Question mark will appear next to this abbreviation. Clicking this symbol will explain “on Candidate list” as more detailed description.

Remove Nissan-specific GADSL checkbox

When sending to Nissan (prior to IMDS Release 10.0), the user has to confirm in the recipient-specific screen that none of the Jokers which might be contained in the datasheet was used to represent a GADSL substance. This checkbox will be removed.

IMDS-a2 specific enhancements

In addition to the IMDS Release 10.0 enhancements, the following changes have been implemented in IMDS-a2:

Additional entries in the search result list

  • NodeID in inbox and outbox
  • Specific Weight and Unit for Semicomponents in inbox

NodeID and CAS No. as additionally parameters in the tree search

Detailed information can also be found in the IMDS 10.0 Release Notes or in our IMDS-a2 User Manual.

IMDS-a2 Questions

IMDS-a2 疑问?
