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Here you will find articles about the IMDS that were published in newspapers and magazines. IMDS internal news can be found under News or News Archive.

Please be aware that - unless otherwise specified - the following articles are translations of press releases originally published in German.

Asset Publisher

Industrie-Anzeiger, 11. October 1999

EDS develops new material data system for automotive industry

The IT service provider Electronic Data Systems (EDS) is developing a new international electronic material data system (IMDS) on behalf of eight large car manufacturers. As reported by EDS Holding GmbH, Rüsselsheim, the Internet-based system is to provide car manufacturers and their partners with information on the materials of which the individual components of a model are composed. The services promise high efficiency, secure data and user friendliness, in particular to the components supply industry. After a pilot phase, the IMDS will be fully operational in March 2000.