VERSION 11.1.1 (08/31/2018)
IMDS-a2 Release 11.1.1 Enhancements:
New Analysis tab added to MDS details
The new Analysis tab in the detailed MDS information allows the user to query the Classifications, Materials and Substances used in the MDS and their aggregated weights and percentages.
For printout or documentation purposes IMDS-a2 already contains a Report offering a summarized view of this screen.
Changes in the additional REACH Module and the REACH Report
The REACH Analysis window contains the new optional Report Type “O5A Compliant REACH Report. This “Quick selection” automatically checks: Components, Subcomponents, Omit branches without SVHC substances, Candidate List (REACH SVHC). Further selections are not possible.
You can also use the Report Type “Customized Report”, which enables checkboxes below and allows the user to customize the report.
Another new option is to “Omit branches without SVHC substances”, which means:
- When a component does not contain any SVHC substances, the complete Component MDS is omitted in the generated REACH Report.
- When a subcomponent branch does not contain any SVHC substances, this branch is omitted in the generated REACH Report while branches with subcomponents that contains SVHCs are included.
In the generated REACH report the current name “LCA” for “lowest component above” will be replaced by the REACH notation “article”. This aligns the report better to the O5A perspective of the European REACH regulation.
To make the analysis of data provided with the IMDS-a2 REACH file easier and to support the O5A perspective, the new REACH Report format 5.0 contains additional columns for the “Top Component Part Number” and the “Top Component Name”.
To align IMDS-a2 to the general Software developments, the report format .xls (old Excel format) will be removed from the output format options.
Detailed information can also be found in our IMDS-a2 User Manual.
IMDS-a2 Questions?
Please have a look into the IMDS-a2 user manual first.
If you cannot find an answer to your question, please contact us: